The last full day was a hodge podge a lots of different things to do. I guess because we knew it was the last day, we wanted to get in everything we could. One of the families had to leave that day. Darn work!
All the girls. Girls definitely out numbered the boys.
Bestest buds.
Silly girls. At night. It had to be in the 30s and these two little girls wouldn't wear there jackets. But, it was pretty warm around the fire.
The beauty of the waterfalls has nothin' on the beauty of these to special girls! Oh they are sassy!! And where they get there moves from is beyond me!
One of the places we stopped was a quaint little shopping area that sold local knick knacks and trinkets. One of the shops had incredible fudge. Which, of course, we bought in bulk! We wandered around looking at all the crafts and locally made stuff. They had lives chickens running around and just a lot of really neat stuff to look at.
After that we took the whole crew to an all you can eat pizza and salad bar place and stuff ourselves with really good pizza. We had to fill our bellies because next on the agenda was a crazy drive and then a little hike to another beautiful waterfall in the area. The road down to the falls was a one lane dirt road in which one side of the road was a straight drop to the bottom of the valley. It was crazy when a car would be traveling the other direction. It was almost impossible to pass. But, the drive was worth it. Again, the views were spectacular!
Apparently, when the weather is warmer you can step out into these falls and ride them down to the bottom. The kids were already planning this trip for next time!
Daddy decided to climb out on a branch hanging over the falls. It made for a great picture. But, it was a little nerve wracking.
Boop got a hold of the camera.
I don't have a picture of it, but hubby decided to walk way out on the rocks below the falls. And, of course, everyone decided to follow. All of us made it out but one. One of the mom's stayed back and took our picture. I will have to get that one and post it. It was kind of brave and crazy I thought. But, so fun!

Next on our agenda was a store on the Appalachian Trail. Three of the dads that we camped with have done parts of the AT. The last time they went, they happened to stop at this place so it was kind of cool to see it. The trail comes out behind this shop and then crosses over on the other side of the road to continue. The AT is so cool to me. Some people do it a bunch of days at a time, breaking it up. But, there were two guys in the shop who happen to be "through hikers." (Not sure I have term right.) They actually started out a couple of months ago in Maine and are doing the whole trail at once. They had beards and some of our peeps said they smelled a little ripe. All they had was a backpack each!
The store was filled with souvenirs but also stuff that hikers need. Special clothing, food and you could pay for shelter and a shower. Obviously it was a little bit of a tourist stop as well.
The view from the deck of the store.
The previous two pictures were kind of cool and I just happened upon the picture. I had gone to the bathroom and just happened to look up. And, lo and behold, in the trees were a bunch of shoes. It turns out, I guess, when you are done hiking you toss your shoes up into the tree!
This is us actually on the AT. The closest I will ever get to hiking it!! Although, around the campfire that night, we had an idea for a TLC/reality show. Four homeschooling families hiking the AT together! Oh boy did we have fun talking about, planning out and discussing the details of that little adventure! (We are still awaiting our call back from the Discovery channel!)
Boop and Little Mama are in their special place in the woods. Behind one of the campsites was a little creek and a bunch of trees. The minute we got there on Thursday all the kids quickly claimed this area as their own. They spent all their downtime in these woods. The "built" rooms and had a rope swing. They called it Friendshipland. And they spent hours in it.
Best buds.
We took advantage of every minute of our last day in the North Georgia mountains. Much conversation surrounded the topic of making this an annual trip. We had sooooo much fun and enjoyed so much of God's creation! The friendships and families and food we such a blessing as well.
We are so, so thankful that we have these opportunities. We always look forward to the next time we can get together again . . .