It has been almost a week since we got back from our much anticipated beach trip. Going to the beach is such, such a blessing for all of us! We know it isn't real life. We know it is a place for us to just unwind and relax and regroup.
The week before, the kids ask if we can do this certain thing or that certain thing. Our response is "no." Not that we won't probably do much of what they ask, but we go with no plan whatsoever and no demands on our time. If we want to shop, we shop. If we want to fish, we fish.
We spend most of our time going from pool, to hot tub, to beach. Repeat. It is just so good for our souls.
The view off our back porch. Pool and hot tub directly to the left. Beach directly across the street.
EG became an official swimmer on this trip. She was more than able to keep up with the big kids.
Once again, the majority of the week we were the only ones at the pool. Which worked for me because I didn't have to keep reminding them to be mindful of others. One particular day the kids, I felt, were being a little loud and disagreeable with each other. I said to myself "Geez, they are with each other all the time. Why all the fuss?" The next day I struck up a conversation with an grandmother type lady who was staying in the condo next to us. She, of course, asked about the kids and the whole school thing because it was the week after Labor Day. I explained we homeschooled and we go on vacation when everyone else goes back to school. She immediately said "I knew something was different. Your kids are quiet and so well behaved." I had to laugh inside because of my thoughts just the night before. The kids really were well behaved!

My people on the beach. The views the first night were spectacular. It was sooo good to be back and feel the sand in our toes. Our goal was to walk the beach every morning and every evening. That did not totally happen.
There was rain on the horizon the first night. LM was able to take a picture of the beautiful rainbow over the water and sand. So, so pretty.
The condo we stay in is super small. One bathroom for the six of us so it really can test our patience at times. Especially when you have to pee! But, the kids do their part to be considerate and somewhat thoughtful. I think because they enjoy our downtown just as much as we do . . .