Friday, October 24, 2008

Kindness, Thoughtfulness and Manners

It drives me crazy when one of the kids asks another one of the kids if they can play with a specific toy of theirs and the other kids says "no." It drives me crazy because instead of just taking kid number one's toy and playing with it kid number two has shown kindness, thoughtfulness and manners by going through the trouble of asking. To me, that is reason enough to say "yes." Of course, I am the mom and I see the big picture and I am the one trying to teach kindness, thoughtfulness and manners ;) So, this is last night's conversation between Boop and Little Mama:

Boop to Little Mama: "Ya, Ya (that is what he calls her) can I read your book in bed?"

Me thinking: "Lord, please let her say yes. He asked so politely."

Little Mama: "Yes, Boop you can take it to bed."

Boop: "Thank you."

Little Mama: "Your welcome."

Boop: "Your welcome." And he crawls into bed with Little Mama's book.

What a great way to end a very long day . . .


Katie said...

oh, I love that :)

Diane Moody said...

Melts your heart, doesn't it? So precious! How sweet it is!