Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is one of those honesty posts. It is a rant or musing depending on your perspective. I notice these type of posts come after a couple days of horrible sleep. I think I am too tired to be creative and to tired to sugar coat my feelings. ;) A friend and I were talking the other day about kids and nursing and raising families etc. The subject of sacrifice came up. As mothers we sacrifice for our families. And do it willingly (and most of the time graciously). I personally have sacrificed a great career, money, free time and a whole host of other things that were at one time important to me. I have done it willingly and would not change my life right now for anything. I understand that in every important relationship there is sacrifice. But this morning I am wondering how far or how long or what parameters there are for sacrifice. Case in point: this AM the family and I were suppose to meet a friend and her family to go on a nature study. I can't go. I haven't slept in three days, we have ballet, I am having my family to dinner this evening and I haven't showered in two days. My sacrifices are now becoming the sacrifices of my children (although they don't even know we were suppose to go this morning.) Or another example: I haven't spent any quality time with my hubby in three months. Now he is sacrificing. I know a lot of these sacrifices are temporary and I am only questioning them now because I am soooo tired. During the conversation with my friend she brought up the sacrifice of Jesus. Holy cow. Can you say ultimate sacrifice?!? My sacrifices are not even in the same ballpark. So do I continue to sacrifice unconditionally?? I am just musing, ranting. I am not looking for answers because I know there aren't any. As my calendar said for today " . . . casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. I am casting . . .


Diane Moody said...

Yes, we sacrifice for our kids. And that comes in all shapes and sizes. But in order to function even half-way rationally, you have to take care of yourself. If that means calling on a friend or relative to come watch the kids while you SLEEP, then that's what you have to do. (I'd be there in a heartbeat if I wasn't in another state!) You can't function at ALL if you're exhausted. You really do have to take care of YOU in order to take care of them.

And one of the earliest lessons I learned when my kids were babies was to take time out for me & hubby. Date night at LEAST a couple times a month. Better yet, an occasional overnight getaway. You'll be AMAZED how much better you feel when you're rested and refreshed.

Apologies for the sermon, but oh how well I remember the exasperation of being completely worn out with little ones to care for! Hang in there. Prayers coming your way. Always!

Katie said...

This subject hits very close to home.