I cry. Every time. My girls dance. There is just something about how those little girls, who can drive me to distraction so many times during the day, can get up on stage and look so beautiful and dance so lovingly for God. I cry. Every time. I choke back the lump in my throat. I always wish I have Kleenex to wipe away the tears (and mascara). Even writing this, I cry. I am not an outwardly emotional person but they bring me to tears and to my knees in front of my Heavenly Father and I give Him such a heart felt "Thank You" for blessing me with these beautifully, wonderfully made creatures. This year was bitter sweet. They have grown and learned so much. Nature Girl with her grace and beauty. Little Mama with her enthusiasm and joy. It was hard for me to comprehend that this is the last time my baby girls will dance for Jesus on the stage. I cry. I know the future holds so much more and this was just a season. A wonderful season to give me a glimpse of the beauty on the inside my lovely, growing, ever changing girls . . .
Some things just make a mother's heart ache. The beauty of your own children, gifts from God.
Thanks for sharing the lovely, lovely pictures.
The girls must do ballet next year. Please!?
You find them a ride ;)
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