Saturday, September 12, 2009


My kids get so excited when we go on a "playdate" or have kids over. On the weekends they are always asking me to call the neighbor kids to come over and play. The other day we were waiting on some friends and my kids just hung out at the window, waiting. Because we homeschool my kids are not around other kids all the time. So, when the opportunity arises to get together with friends they are just sooooo excited! As I watched them in the window the other day, just waiting, I felt little pang of what I guess you could call guilt. I promise I won't bore you with my thoughts and feelings regarding "socialization" for kids but I was just wondering at that moment what my kids were feeling.

I have no doubts about our choice to homeschool. But sometimes I ponder about certain aspects. So, as I continued to watch and think, I believe God kind of comforted me. The following couple thoughts just kind of came over me: First, there is no doubt most of my kids would like to be around other kids all the time but do my kids really know what is best for them? Then my second thought and most profound one was this, our association with other kids is not frequent but, it makes it oh so special! I think because my kids aren't around other kids all day long that when they do get together with friends they are more accommodating, more pleasing and just really, really glad and enjoy being with their friends. Their friends are truly special to them. I hope it will teach them to honor and cherish their friends. I don't think I have ever had to get involved over "disputes" when there are other kids here. Everyone always seems to get along really well. Also, the kids usually haven't seen each other in awhile so they are not tired of each other. I also attribute the great friendships they have to the fact that my kids have really great friends! And have had them for a long time!

I know it is hard for them sometimes. But as I said, I know homeschooling is the thing for us. And I also now think that another major bonus for us is that my children really, really appreciate the friends they have and the time they get to spend with them. After much thought, I think this is a good thing . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

Interesting perspective. It is hard not to feel that guilt from time to time, over so many things. I'm glad you feel strong about your decisions, that makes it easier for everyone. Friends are so important for all of us.