I know I have said it before, but gosh how time flies!! It is hard for me to believe I spent all last Monday cleaning for company that have been and gone!
On Tuesday my mom and brother arrived. I haven't seen my brother in about 3 years. He had some extra money this month and decided to fly down to spend Christmas with us. And it really was wonderful to have him here. I know he enjoyed it as well. The kids hadn't seen Grandma in a long time so were super excited to see her!
Another wonderful thing was that my Aunt and Uncle from Wisconsin drove down to spend Christmas with us. This is the second year and I think it needs to become tradition. It is great having a house full of family for the holidays. It really is what makes it special. Of course the kids LOVE having family here and LOVE all the extra special attention they get! And Auntie Karla and Uncle Warren love to shower all of them with attention!
We had a few scheduling issues because of daddy's having to work on Christmas Day. That meant early to bed Christmas Eve and no assurances of when he would be home on Christmas Day. So, this is the plan that we all hatched. In order for all of us to be able to relax and enjoy daddy's very special prime rib dinner, we decided to make it on Christmas Eve eve. That way, we could eat when we wanted and not have to rush to get to church or get daddy to bed. Traditionally we have had our big meal on Christmas Day but with daddy having to work and all, and considering he is the chef we had to do some flip flopping.
Everyone seemed to have a real nice time and really enjoyed the prime rib again this year! My goal was to have everything just be relaxing and enjoyable, with no real stress or worries about having to be some place at a certain time etc. I think we accomplished that!
The next day, Christmas Eve, we spent wrapping and finishing up little errands. Grandma and Auntie Karla took the girls to lunch and last minute shopping. Uncle Warren played golf and the rest of us just kind of hung out. We went to an early Christmas Eve service and were home in time to have a nice chili dinner and watch "A Christmas Story." My plan was to have everyone in bed VERY early. The year before Nature Girl didn't fall asleep until 1AM.
Christmas Eve the kids were allowed to open their gifts from Auntie Karla and Uncle Warren (they opted out of having to be here at 7AM with all the chaos ;) Each kid received a gift certificate to go shopping, a Webkinz (big hit) and a nice real watch. The kids were soooo excited. Then it was time for the present the kids had been asking for for weeks. The Christmas Eve PJs. Ever since I was a little girl, we always had Christmas Eve pajamas. And Grandma has continued the tradition. The kids love it!
Well, Christmas Eve my sister and I watched 2 movies and played 21 games of Hangman on her iPhone and Nature Girl still wasn't asleep. It was 2:30AM. So, Sissy went in the kids room and shut the door and was going to sleep with them while Santa came. I think I got to bed around 3. But, I am not certain. I was soooo tired.
At 3:30 Sissy went to sleep in EG's room because NG wouldn't go to sleep. Once Sissy was out of the big kids room, Little Mama and NG snuck out to see if Santa had come. NG says she didn't go to sleep until 4. Of course by 7, everyone was up and rip raring to open presents!! But first, a BIG pot of coffee was brewed.
Daddy's boss told him if he would just get dressed and ready to go he could stay home until he got called out. But, of course, first thing he had to go. He was home by 7 though. So we were very thankful it worked out. He didn't get his second call out until we were done with opening presents. And then got called out again during his brunch. After that he just stayed on patrol. But none of us were complaining. It could have been worse!
Nature Girl's big gift was her Nintendo DS. It was from Mommy and Daddy and she made a point later on in the day to say "thank you." That was so gratifying to me. Little Mama's big gift was her iPod from Mommy and Daddy. She was thrilled! And I think just a little surprised. She is so use to hearing she has to be such and such an age before she is allowed to get certain things! She loves to listen to music and to sing and dance along! Boop had two "big" gifts. One was a dinosaur that walks and roars. And then we got him a real big boy rocket that you have to take to an open area, monitor the wind etc. and then ignite it and watch it launch! We had two big family gifts this year. One was annual passes to Wild Adventures and the kids are already planning our next trip (but then again so are mommy and daddy - they have awesome concerts like Chicago that are free.) And we also got a real basketball hoop. Boop has been after daddy all day to put it up!
Of course they got gifts from Grandma and Sissy, Grandpa Joe and Nona Kris, Auntie Karla and Uncle Warren, Grandma Mickey, and their cousin Mickey. Each thing they received was something special just for them.
We (and it seems everyone else ;) spoil our kids at Christmas! Every year we say we aren't going to do it but it happens anyway. We are blessed with all that we have and daddy just loves to make them happy this time of year!
Christmas Day "dinner" was at Sissy's townhouse. So, after daddy got home from work we all went over to her house and enjoyed ham and appetizers. It was an early night, we were all so tired and daddy had to work the next day.
Saturday everyone left and the house seemed so empty. The kids and I didn't do a thing. In fact, we didn't even get out of our pajamas!
I know I am leaving stuff out. Some of which is probably significant or something I knew I would want to remember. But, it all went by so fast. It was like a whirlwind. As daddy and I looked through some of the pictures, he kept saying "I don't remember her/him opening that?" So, I am just writing down the things that are popping into my mind.
It is always kind of sad to me how it is all over so quick. If there were just a way to hang on to those magical moments just a tad bit longer. But, I suppose that is what makes them so special . . .