Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alone Time

The girls spent the night with their cousin last night. Boop says "I am going to miss you, girlies." And he did, and does. But, the great part about Boop is, he plays by himself really well!

During rest time he gets out his cars or his trucks and plays for at least an hour just sitting on the couch or on the floor or in my bed. He talks to himself and occasionally will ask me to look at what he is doing or ask a question.

He has been getting up real early lately, right in the middle of my quiet time. I chat with him for a minute or two and then explain it is my quiet time and he needs to find something quiet to do while he sits or lays on the couch with me.

The last few mornings, he asks for a piece of paper and asks me to draw a garbage truck or a pool or something like that. Then he finishes the picture and colors it. Just hanging with me.

One would think, with two older siblings and one younger sibling, playing by himself would be a problem. But, thankfully it just isn't so . . .


Katie said...

Boop seems like such a great kid. I always look forward to reading about him!

Ann said...

He is such a sweet boy but can be kind of sassy. My fault I am sure ;)