Saturday, August 21, 2010

You Never Know

When I came out of the Urgent Care parking lot last week, I had a note on my windshield. It went something like this "You are so stupid. You parked too close to my car. Learn how to park. Idiot." I had just been at the ER for over three hours because of EG's head injury. Then to UC for another hour. I was exhausted and emotionally wore out.

I cried. The note rattled me to the core. I am usually so careful of other people's space. I think of myself as a pretty considerate person. I was hurt and angry. And I felt guilty. I did park too close. I know it because it was the side of the car I had to get EG out of. I wasn't unbearably close but obviously closer than I should have been. I wish I could have seen the person and told them I was sorry. I really didn't mean to be inconsiderate.

But, it also struck a cord with me. Because I can be judgemental. I wanted to tell that person what my afternoon had been like. Not that I was making excuses. But, that I had other things on my mind. And that I had been tired and scared. And a little frustrated at that point.

We never, ever know what is going on in other people's lives. It has doubled my effort to be kind and considerate and loving and helpful to people I don't know. Especially those who are being unkind or inconsiderate to me. Because, they have stuff going on too.

The person who left the note may have been a very unhappy person. May not have cared in the least what I had just gone through. That would totally be there problem. But, for my part, I am going to be extra careful how I relate to others. Because you just never know . . .


Diane Moody said...

Then again, the mere fact you were parked in the ER parking lot SHOULD have registered in that person's mind that you MIGHT have been there for, oh, I don't know - AN EMERGENCY?! And as such, you might not have had time to whip out your yardstick and measure to be sure you were far enough away from their vehicle . . . Annie, you're far more gracious than I am. To leave such a rude note on someone's car in an ER parking lot is just wrong. They should have cut you some slack - I don't care who they are!!!

Now as for the way your mother parks in parking lots - well, that's a different story! LOL

Never hurts to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but in this case you do NOT need to feel bad about that! Clearly someone else's problem, not yours!!!

MollyMcFarland said...

OMG, I would have keyed their car...
Just saying...
