Friday, September 10, 2010

Full Schedule

All morning, I kept warning the kids "Today is the day we are doing our full schedule. The one I worked on so hard before school even started." The schedule that has our day broken up into 30 minute increments. I use it to keep us on track and make sure everything that needs to get done, gets done.

But, for the last three weeks, we have used it loosely, because everyday we have had all kinds of other stuff going on. From sewing lessons to dentist appointments. So, we haven't done the whole schedule.

Today we did. And this is what happened:

I got a shower, quiet time and read my bible to start the day. I schooled 2 1/2 children in all subjects. We have 2 1/2 loads of laundry done. Folded and put away. The house is straightened. I was able to sweep the kitchen floor. And, with Little Mama, almost finished her blanket (needed for Tuesday's sewing class graduation.) I have done our grocery list for the week, along with coupons. Made breakfast and lunch and two snacks. Dinner is waiting for Nature Girl and I to prepare. The kids have washed dishes, vacuumed under the table and wiped it down. Emptied garbage cans and cleaned their rooms. I read a book to Boop and some of our book club book to LM. NG finished the book club book and made a card to mail to a friend she hasn't seen in probably over a year.

I have four minutes left of free time then it is on to play with the kids for 30 minutes and then on to dinner prep. Scheduling time with my kids feels a little hokey but it assures me that the day doesn't get by me with out "engaging" my kids. Which, trust me, can happen. Well, off to teach the kids Backgammon.

Tomorrow is Saturday. I think I will give our schedule a little rest. And me a little rest as well . . .


Unknown said...

Your blog, leaves me exhausted every day! I am so proud of you Ann, for taking on so much responsibility as an excellent Wife, Mom, Teacher,Daughter and Sister in Christ. I really don't know how you juggle everything, but you have a beautiful family.
I have been worried about you, but must admit, you recently sound more relaxed and in control.
I really appreciated your birthday greetings, and admire your thoughtfulness, with your busy life.
Love you all!

MollyMcFarland said...

That post made me happy inside. It makes me want to organize the kitchen cabinets or something. :) What a productive day! So inspiring!

Ann said...

Auntie Karla - Thank you, thank you for your kind and loving words. I am a control freak. But, in all honesty God is using my busy life and small large family to teach me I can only control so much. ;) I am up every morning at 6 (well almost every morning)asking the Holy Spirit to take over my life as a mom, teacher, wife and my walk with Him. Life is a little more relaxed with Him in control. ;) Still have my days. But, definitely a work in progress!

Mary Beth said...

WOW! you are good, girl. And so fun that you can teach your kids Backgammon! Love it! How did they like it? Miss you...coming to Tally for Homecoming in November. Would love if we can get together even if only for a few minutes. KNow you are busy!!

Ann said...

They love the game. It was one of my favorites as a kid. Along with Monopoly and Mancala. Which the bigger girls play now. I also liked cribbage and gin. But, I can't remember how to play those.

So excited to get to see you!!!!!