So cute tonight up on the stage at church. I over heard the choir teacher say "O.K. you are the leader."
He woke up on Monday, daddy's day off and said "O.K. daddy what are we going to build today?"
Hubby gave him an old drill that works but the battery life is like 5 minutes. Boop has been drilling everything in sight. Charges the battery and drills some more. Hubby thought for sure he was going to sleep with it. He woke up at 6:45 A.M. one morning and told me he was going to check on his drill.
He asked daddy if they were going to Lowe's? They go to Lowe's on almost everyday off. I am pretty sure they are known by their names.
While putting him to sleep tonight, he just had to see my tonsils, like four times.
What's not to love . . .
He is just all boy isn't he?
Sweet sweet boy. So special.
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