Monday, September 5, 2011

School According to Daddy

I have a confession about the perception I have had of hubby and school. I confess that I felt there was a lack of involvement on his part. And there were days that I felt kind of bad about that. For a lot of different reasons.

It has only recently come to my attention, that it is not a lack of involvement on his part, but an absolute, positive confidence on his part of my ability to teach our children. He doesn't feel the need to be involved with the day to day because he has total faith in me! (But he did share that when he sees the wheels starting to falling off, he does try to step in, just a little bit.)

I have been going to him a little more this year. Just for perspective. Timely words of wisdom. All of which he is very good at. I even asked him what, if anything, he wanted to make sure I covered.

Anyway, one thing, which I forget to realize is, he does teach them and is very involved. But, just in a very different way. He teaches them to garden, to fix things, about nature and animals (see snake in above pictures) and the outdoors. He teaches them about cars and appliances (again, see above picture, trying to fix the dishwasher) and money. He does this all without formally schooling them. Which I sorely neglect to consider most days.

He doesn't have to sit down at a table or read for an hour. He goes out to mow the lawn and work in the yard and the kids go with him. He takes the time to explain things and show them things and they learn. He putts around in the garage, he works with wood and fixes all kinds of things, for everyone, and they learn to work with their hands and to serve others.

He cooks and lets them cut veggies. He looks something up on the Internet and lets them look and listen. He gets up on the roof and cleans the dryer vent and explains why. He goes to work to serve and protect and comes home with stories that most people never hear. And he explains how the outside world looks. (Great life lessons there by the way.)

So, all the while I have been wondering why I "teach" all by myself, there has been a wonderful faith in me as a mom and teacher and a lot of learning going on by another teacher in our home. I am not real sure why it has taken me this long to figure it out. And, I am embarrassed to even confess it. But, I am really working on being more thankful for the things I don't readily see . . .