I love Boop. And I love basketball. So, can you imagine how much fun I am having watching Boop play basketball!?!
He started about 3 weeks ago and we are just loving the experience. It is through the Upward program which we have never been a part of before. It has been such an organized, fun, educational, and instructive experience.
Boop is having a great time, too. It really seems to be his thing. According to hubby he is much more agressive in basketball then he is in soccer. Boop's skills are improving with every game. Learning to dribble with one hand. Learning to dribble instead of traveling. Learning to pass to other teammates (little bit harder lesson for him to learn.) He loves to get the ball and to shoot it. Last game he made at least three baskets!
He keeps moving. He pays attention. He hussles.
His game is at 9AM on Saturdays. They practice for 20 minutes and then they have a half court game for 40 minutes. Just the right amount of time for a bunch of 5 and 6 year old boys and girls.
Part of the program is a devotion time before the games. The kids were given a mega scripture verse to memorize before the "end of the season" which is only like 6 weeks long. Anyway, Boop's is Ephesians 6:1-4.
We memorize scripture almost every morning as part of our family devotion time. So, to encourage Boop to memorize his, we decided to learn the verses together. When we arrived for his very first game he asked if he could tell his coach his mega verse. I told him he didn't have to. He had the whole "season" to memorize. But, if he knew it, he certainly could recite it to his coach and teammates.
So, when the opportunity came up during their pregame devotion time, Boop told the coach he knew his mega verse and recited it. I was so proud of my boy. I did not push him. If anything I gave him an out, in case he wasn't ready. He is so determined to do things his way, in his own time.
Yes, he is learning the skill of basketball, which I personally love. But, he is also learning the skill of hiding God's word in his heart, which will be with him for a life time. . .