Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Thirteen years ago this weekend, I sat in my mom's church attending the Mother's Day service.  And I was in tears.  With a heavy, heavy heart.  I remember thinking, as I saw the mothers being recognized with their families, that I would never have the joy of being a parent, being a mom, having a baby.  The thoughts at that moment in time were devastating.

The Friday before Mother's Day, I had traveled down to visit my mom and to go to an appointment with a woman's specialist.  My hubby and I had been trying to become pregnant for over a year.  The specialist told me and my mom, after I gave him my symptoms, that in order for me to have a baby I would have to harvest, my then 14 year old sister's eggs and blah, blah, blah.  I knew right then and there, that wasn't going to happen.

My husband and I wanted children, but we also knew that we would never go to extremes to have them.  For many different reasons.  Needless to say I was devastated.  And on that Mother's Day morning I was so sad, thinking about my childless future.

The following week or so, the specialist's office called and said that my blood work had been normal.  But, by then, the damage had been done.  I stopped taking fake hormones or whatever they doctor likes to put woman on to help them get pregnant and I just called my pastor and asked him to pray for us.  We really had no choice but to carry on life as normal.

We had hobbies and friends and jobs.  We started thinking about things we would do, not having children.  I honestly don't remember being super depressed.  I am sure I was.  But, I just don't remember it.  Probably because about 3 months later, I found out I was pregnant!

We joke to this day, that we were just about ready to buy the old-man-down-the-streets fishing boat when I found out I was pregnant.  We were stunned to say the least.  I remember waking hubby up and trying to explain what was happening (at the time he was working night shift.)  I remember calling the doc's office and desperately wanting to come in and have them verify it.  Which they graciously did.

I remember people saying "that specialist had no idea what he was taking about."  And that may be true.  But, I know that my babies are a gift straight from God.  And His timing and His plan, on looking back, had a purpose for me and my husband.  Oddly enough, we never had a problem after that.  Ha, ha!

As I get older and my childbearing years are drawing to a close and as I celebrate, yet another wonderful Mother's Day, I cannot be thankful and grateful enough to the Creator of all things, to have blessed me so richly.

There is no greater joy that I have had and will continue to have, then being a wife and a mother to my precious family that God has so graciously given me . . .


Katie said...

You are truly blessed. I hope you had a special Mother's Day!

Mary Beth said...

SUCH a sweet post!! Love it!