Saturday, February 21, 2015

Puppy Class

I have loved puppy class.  It has been a trick getting there every Monday night but oh so worth it.  It is super stressful though.  Like you want your puppy to perform well and understand what he is suppose to be doing.  (Kinda like raising kids!)  The teacher has known Moose since he was a wee puppy.  He saw him every other Saturday when the rescue place had their adopt a pet program.

Moose loves the interaction with the other dogs.  He has found a friend and the two of them play hard during class breaks.  We have had the puppy and her owner over for a playdate and it went fabulous.  The dogs played hard and we got to meet a really sweet young lady.  We have another playdate next week!

I think the most important thing Moose has learned thus far is to not pull on his leash.  It is a work in progress as he is still so young but he does well.  He struggles learning his skills in class because there is so much going on.  But, when we get home, he gets it and gets bored super quick.

He has learned sit, leave it, drop it, take it and we are working on stay.  It is hard to remember to work with him every day but we are doing our best.  We want a dog that has awesome manners.  Well, at least as good a manners as the kids!

He graduated Monday.  I think we will take some time to work on the skills he has learned.  I would definitely like to go back for more training.

Moose and his classmates . . .

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