Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Play time

A friend of mine posted the other day about how her 4 children play together and it got me thinking about how mine kids interact. It is important to me that they get along, respect and love one another. So I decided to kind of pay attention yesterday. How do they pair up?? Do they all play together?? Do they play by themselves? What do they do with each other?? I did notice, that Little Mama and Boop play together a lot but they also fight a lot. They play blocks and do puzzles or play with the Little People. When Nature Girl and Boop play together it is more of a taking care of thing. She wants to dress him or read to him or help him in some way. When Nature Girl and Little Mama play together it usually has to be the game that Nature Girl wants. Little Mama is learning to say "no." She doesn't always have to play what her sister wants. She has ideas too. (I am happy about that ;) When they all three play together it is some kind of pretend game. Lately it has been mommy, baby and sibling. You hear fake crying and one of them is crawling around goo-gooing like a baby. (Yesterday while I was making lunch I looked up and saw Nature Girl reading to them - picture above :) They each have the desire to play by themselves at times. Boop will play with blocks or his Matchbox cars. I find the fact that he will play by himself amazing because he has always had playmates. Little Mama will play with her dolls or a puzzle by herself but she has to be right next to you. Not in a room by herself. She needs to be with someone. Nature Girl will read when she needs down time or sometimes organize something or create something. Being able to entertain themselves has been important to me so I am glad they each have a desire for down time. When the weather is cooler they will all be expected to spend a ton of time outdoors and that is when the get along the best. They can spend hours outside and I don't even know they are around. They catch bugs and roll in the grass and swing and jump and run. So much room to do their thing. My sister mentioned once how the fourth one will fit in. He/she will be the furthest apart, a whole 3 years. But I am not worried. I have a good idea he/she will find his/her place in our ever growing family . . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

It is endlessly fascinating to me how our children do find their own place in the family, and how the other children make room for them. I really noticed it when my fourth one came along.
That picture of NG reading to her younger siblings is so sweet.