Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yesterday's Adventure

Or should I say misadventure. In only our second outing we decided to pick up Taco Bell for dinner last night. Daddy had worked all day and was also working at night so I was trying to make things easy for me. 16 hours by yourself with four children can be a little draining to say the least :) Anyway, I have a rule (go figure) - anytime we go anywhere in the car we need to have shoes on. I have a pretty big fear of breaking down and having to walk somewhere. As I try to explain to the kids as they ask for the thousandth time "If we are not going inside anywhere, why do we have to wear shoes." So yesterday, along with every other time they ask, I explained if we were to break down and have to walk somewhere we would want shoes.

So, after I was through nursing EG last evening we headed out to the car to run to Taco Bell. It is just up the street and we were going through the drive thru so I didn't bother to bring a diaper bag or a cell phone. I usually bring the cell phone everywhere (for the above mentioned fear). But we were half way there when I realized I didn't have it. No biggie. We were just going up the road. As we were turning a corner the car made a ding like we were out of gas. I knew we weren't so I looked down and saw the battery light on. (They don't call them idiot lights for nothing.) I was concerned but I was also hungry so I continued on to Taco Bell. As we pulled into the parking lot the car started to die. I left it running and took all the kids inside to call Daddy to figure out what to do next. He told me to order dinner and go back out and see if the car would run. So we gathered up our food and went to the van. No such luck. It had completely died. So back into Taco Bell we went. You should have seen the kids. They looked like ragamuffins. No matching clothes, all dirty and hair not brushed. I asked to use the phone again and called Daddy. While we waited for him to show up we ate our dinner. A couple of the employees came over and asked how they could help us. Finally, Daddy showed up in his squad car. He jumped us off and we made it as far as the parking lot driveway. He jumped us off again. We made it to the street right before our subdivision. By this time it was completely dark and Little Mama was scared to death that we were going to have to walk. Daddy jumped us off one last time while the kids and I prayed in the car. He pulled the cables off and we zoomed home and made it into the driveway. Daddy checked on us and went back to work.

Many lessons learned by the whole family. 1. Always were shoes. 2. Always bring the diaper bag. 3. Always, always bring the cell phone . . .


Katie said...

I have that rule/fear too about the shoes. Sometimes I end up throwing pairs in the car 'just in case' (and in winter, mittens and hats).
Glad you all got home without a hike.

Mary Beth said...

Oh Ann - my goodness! My husband has that same concern about me leaving the house in the car without shoes - I always "phooey!" him....but maybe he is right! Sorry about the added stress you do NOT need right now but glad you made it home safely!