Monday, July 6, 2009


So many things have changed since having baby number four. I am now going to list them:

I am late every where.
The house is a wreck and dirty - constantly. I don't even try to fake it anymore.
If you visit you will probably see laundry on the living room chair.
The kids' hair doesn't get brushed.
Boop didn't even have shoes when we went to dinner the other night.
I don't shower everyday.
We are behind in school.
I don't return phone calls.
It sometimes takes me a whole day to return an e-mail.
I forget everything - I MEAN EVERYTHING.
My diaper bag sometimes has no diapers or change of clothes or wipes.
My hair is always in a ponytail.
I have absolutely NO patience.
I get upset a whole lot easier and quicker.
I haven't read my bible.
We are not regulars at church.
I haven't volunteered for anything anywhere.
I don't make bread or cookies much.

I guess I could go on and on. This is kind of a confession list. Get it off my chest and maybe pick some things to work on in the near future. I told daddy last night "I can't catch up so I have just given up." He said he has noticed . . .


Katie said...

That sounds about right.
After the arrival of the fourth child I gave up any pretense of doing it all. It was pretty obvious it wasn't working very well for me.
I wish I had some advice for you. Wait, I do. Hug your little baby, she's worth all of it and more.

Ann said...

I knew you would understand!!! I hope you had a great weekend!!

Diane Moody said...

Yeah but you have 4 of the most happy, well-adjusted, GREAT KIDS on the planet. I REST MY CASE!!!