Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sorry, not a very glamorous post. But, so such a part of my life. EG is a pooping machine. She, first of all, is the biggest almost 1 year old I have ever had. Big thighs, big gut, double chin. Adorable. But, I guess what goes in must come out. And boy does it ever come out. At least 3 times a day. She poops in her sleep for goodness sake!!

I have to change her outfit at least once a day. And I think her pooper shooter points in the wrong direction because it is always on the side, seeping out.

When I had babies 22 months apart everyone used to say "Ugh, two babies in diapers." I honestly didn't care. I figured I had to change one, why not two. But I honestly can tell you, I dread changing my little princess.

She is mobile and thinks it is ohhh so funny to stick her hands down there. The other day I even called daddy in as reinforcement. I only have two hands for goodness sake.

Well, I am done now with the very disgusting but real life topic . . .


Katie said...

Honesty is a virtue.

Diane Moody said...

Gee, um, well, that was, um .... interesting? Thanks for sharing with us the adventures of your newest little Poop Machine! LOL

Mary Beth said...

Pooper shooter!!! can tell a mom bc I love poop stories, right?!?