Monday, February 1, 2010


About three weeks ago, a visiting pastor mentioned that a church needs to have a vision. It helps to focus attention and resources. I think he probably went on to list a bunch of different types of visions depending on what type of church was being formed.

That got me thinking . . . how important it can be for a family to have a vision. So, I started thinking about and praying about a vision for our family. Something I can use to focus my attention and resources.

As I finished up reading Shepherding a Child's Heart, this paragraph was in one of the final chapters:

"Your heart's desire in every phase of child rearing is to see your children internalize the gospel. The desire in all your training, in all your entreaty, in all your correction and discipline, is to see your children come to the place where they have embraced the claims of Christian faith."

Thank you Tedd Tripp. That about summons it up for me . . .

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