Sunday, November 21, 2010

Silent Sunday - Not

I guess because I don't have another adult at my disposal to talk to, I have to write. (Two more days to go.) So, the following are pictures of EG today before church. She looked cute. All the kids looked cute. But, as I was desperately trying to get her to stay still to take her picture, I just had visions of us trying to get our family pictures done in a couple of weeks. Oh, how the photographer is going to work hard for her money that day . . .


Diane Moody said...

Too funny. I still can't believe I haven't met EG. How is that even possible? Course, I feel like I know her from all your blogs & photos. One of these days . . .

Glad to hear the hunter returns tomorrow. But sounds like you all have done just fine.

Happy T'day, if we don't connect before then. Your mom coming?

Katie said...

She is adorable. I love, love her hair.

Yay for hubby almost home!

Ann said...

We are doing T'day with Paul's fam. Molly leaves tomorrow to go to mom's. Happy Turkey!!