Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day Two, Part Two

Ugh.  This is my third attempt to post these pictures.  There are so many pictures I keep getting my self confused.  So, here we go again.  So sorry if you have received this numerous times!

This is a Titanaboa.  It is the largest snake every discovered.  The kids just read an article about it in National Geographic so it was neat to see watch the video and see the display.

Tiniest skeleton.  Pocket mouse.  Cute.

Skeleton of a manatee.  One of Ellie's favorite animals.

What is a trip to a museum without seeing a real mummy?

Natural habitat of a lot of different insects.

Another random Washington Monument picture.  Taken out of the window of the museum.

Feeding the tarantula.

The tarantula.

Probably one of the Smithsonian's most well known exhibits.


A display of some massive insect.  Yuck!

Fossilized tree trunk.  Pretty cool looking.

In the middle of the dinosaur display was a glass room with a few people in it.  Each person was working on some type of fossil project.  This lady was separating out very tiny animal fossils with a tweezers.

This man was cleaning out a fossil still embedded in a rock.  They still are not sure what it is a fossil of.

Boop must have had the camera and was taking pictures of the dinosaurs.  We are studying dinosaurs in school so that was cool.

My boys being silly.  Again, information overload.  So much to see and learn about . . . 

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