Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lessons Learned

The Pearls. Ted Tripp. Dr. Voddie Baucham. The lady who wrote Parenting in the Pew. Charlotte Mason. The Ezzos. Lynda Faye. Karen Andreola. I could go on and on of the list of authors of books and blogs about child training and education. I have spent the vast majority of my free time in the last two plus years reading all kinds of books about home education and raising Godly children and striving to be a Godly wife.

I have been so enlightened. It is incredible of all the things I didn't know about raising children God's way and being a Godly wife. I say it with a little bit of sarcasm today. Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE the Pearls (and the rest) and God has granted them a lot of common sense wisdom that they have chosen to share to help lighten my load as a parent and an educator.

But, the Pearls aren't MY family (or any of the others). They don't know anything about MY family. They have chosen to share what has worked for them for their family, how God has guided them to handle their day to day affairs. I definitely think they are biblical and they are following how God has called them to raise their children. I also believe God has called them to share with the world about what they have had success doing. For the most part, a lot of it is pretty good common sense stuff. I know marriages that have been saved by wives who have read "Created To Be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl. It is a book I recommend to all women - married or soon to be married.

But, I am going to use the TV as an example: Michael Pearl hates the T.V. And, for the most part I agree with Michael Pearl. But, last week when all six of us were sick, the T.V. was on, a lot. I felt guilty for letting the kids watch it so much because of an article I had just read on that particular subject.

There have been other things over the course of my "education" that, at the time, I really, really wanted to try out with our family. Ideas that I have read from the above mentioned authors that I wanted to try in my home. But they just never worked out exactly right for my family. For many different reasons. I will be honest, I have felt guilt over not being able to do "x" "program" perfectly, just like the examples set out in the books. For not being able to make them work in our home. And, that if I didn't do them just so, I would fail as a mother, wife, educator. And that my children might not be all they could be spiritually or educationally.

Then, I got to thinking, these authors write books based on their experiences with their families. Sure, they can give me general advice but, I have to tweak it for my own family (OK, so maybe I am a little slow or too much of a perfectionist or an avid rule follower or hoping someone will tell me EXACTLY WHAT TO DO.)

But, the only absolutes are God's word set out in scripture in the bible. God is over my family, he has placed my husband in charge and He loves me and my husband and my children more than I ever could. Plus, He gives us grace and mercy when we try and "fail."

So, for now, I am over the Pearls and the Tripps. I have decided to the best of my ability I am going to allow hubby and God to be in control of my family. Will I continue to read books on being a better mother, educator, wife? Sure! But, keeping all the information I glean, in the context of my own family. The family that God has blessed ME with . . .

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