Monday, March 1, 2010

Playing Hooky

So, my day started about 12 last night. EG decided she wanted to spend the majority of her sleeping time awake and crying. The first few times she woke up, she went back to sleep within a couple of minutes. But, because our monitor is so loud and daddy had to work in the morning, I moved my bed to the couch.

By 4AM it was quite apparent that EG wanted me. NOW! But, before I got up off the couch daddy came out to join me and ask me how the night was going (although he had a pretty good idea because I was sleeping on the couch.) He asked me if I wanted him to go in late. Really?? So unusual. But, so welcomed. I have been sick and not getting much sleep. He was going to hang with us for a little while this morning so I could get some much needed rest. I left it up to him and what he felt comfortable doing. And went in to get EG and sleep in the easy chair. (Which is so uncomfortable and I don't sleep, I doze on and off.)

It started getting light outside and I had no idea what time it was. I heard a little stirring from the older kids but nobody came in to get me. EG was sound asleep on me and I just sat there waiting for her to wake up. Finally, I knew it had to be late, around 8ish so I had to wake her up and move out of the chair. I went out into the living room, no kids. I went into my bedroom, there was daddy and Little Mama and Boop watching TV. It was 8:18! Nature Girl was still sleeping.

Daddy told me that when he called in to ask if he could go in late, his boss told him to take the whole day off. Daddy made us eggs and now the kids and daddy are outside playing in the beautiful weather. We have Meals on Wheels later on and tumbling. But we are officially playing hooky from any and all other responsibilities . . .


Katie said...

Totally jealous your hubby stayed home to help.

Ann said...

Yeah, had I known Todd was out of town I might have waited to post that one ;) Hoping and praying for a better night for the both of us.