Wednesday, April 29, 2009

EG Update

Yesterday EG had an appointment with a vascular surgeon regarding the little mass under her arm. After waiting (with all the kids) for an hour and a half we finally met with the surgeon for 5 minutes. I am not complaining. As I explained to the kids, that is just how it works. Hurry up and wait. Drawback to homeschooling - when you have doctors appointments most likely everyone has to go. Bonus - my kids have learned to wait and yesterday they did awesome. They were reading Highlights magazines, Reader's Digest and Sports Illustrated (swimsuit edition - modesty will be a post for another day :) Anyway, enough bragging on the kids!! (I was proud though - they got Chick-fil-A for lunch!) OK, enough, anyway, the surgeon checked the mass, pinched it, stared at it, felt it and decided, after also looking at the ultrasound, that it is a hemangioma, a mass of veins. There are two courses of action. One, cut it off or two, keep an eye on it. I opted for option two. At this time, it doesn't bother her and it shouldn't present any problems. If it grows we are to call him. And he will see us again in 3 months. My mom and daddy kept asking me questions that I didn't have the answers to. I tried to explain, after waiting for an hour and a half I just wanted to hear what the doctor had to say. I was OK with it and just wanted to go home. I still have faith that everything is A-OK . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

I think I'd react the same way you are.
It's great to hear your children were so well-behaved. I'm glad you rewarded them (Chick-Fil-A,Yay!)