Sunday, October 12, 2014

Away She Goes

So, EG had been teasing her daddy for about 2 weeks to take the training wheels off of her bike.  She wanted to ride her bike without training wheels.  We knew once they came off, it would take a little work to get her to ride.  We told her when the wheels came off she could only ride with a helmet on, in the back yard, until she learned how to ride it without falling.

Finally, about a week ago, on a Saturday, daddy finally had time to take the training wheels off.  We had been gone most of the day.  When we got home I told her that the wheels were off.  She was super excited.  She went right into the backyard and picked up her bike and got on it.  I didn't have a chance, right at that moment, to help her out.

A few minutes later, Boop comes in and says EG is riding her bike.  And sure enough she was.  Apparently Boop held the bike for her so she could get on and get started and then gave her a little shove and off she went!  She was riding like a champ within a few minutes.  She was riding all over the backyard.  Boop took a video but I can't seem to load it on my computer to include it in the blog.

The next day, we took her out on the road and she did fabulous.  I would like to say that we had a part in it, but that would not be the truth.  Boop saved the day!  It was all him.

The both accomplished a lot that day . . .

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