Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nature Study the Easy Way

One day we were looking out onto our back porch and we noticed a little bird going in and out of our opened screen door. Come to find out it was a mommy and daddy bird making a nest in anticipation of laying some eggs.

Over the course of a few weeks, we watched the nest grow. And then a few days later (probably longer than that because time goes way too fast) we saw three little baby bird heads pop out. Their mouths wide open just waiting for food.

The parents were flying in and out constantly, just trying to keep them fed. The babies always had their mouths open every time we saw them. One of the big challenges for us was to keep Moose away. We blocked the shelves where the nest was with bikes and chairs.

Two days ago, while we were just hanging out, daddy happened to notice that the baby birds had flown the coop. The three of them were fluffing and pruning their feathers while trying to figure out how to fly. The mom and dad were out in the yard squawking and screeching trying to direct them out into the yard. The little guys had such a hard time finding the open screen door.

Also, Moose got sight of them from indoors and was sniffing and whimpering at the door. Finally, daddy decided to help out nature. One by one he scooped them up and placed them out in the yard. You could tell the mommy and daddy were freaking out. Like what is this danger thing doing.

Finally, the three of them and the mommy and daddy were scoping out the backyard. Before I let Moose out, I saw them under the camper. I wanted to be sure they had an escape route when the dog finally smelled them. Our backyard is pretty "safe." Moose has scared away the cats so we hope they have been successful in the next stage of their life . . .

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