Monday, February 22, 2016

In Prison

Yesterday I had an amazing opportunity to sing with our church choir at a woman's correctional institute nearby where I live. It was a little disconcerting standing in the courtyard waiting to get in. High chain fences topped by Constantine wire. Hearing the clang of the locks on the double doors we would eventually have to go through.

I just wasn't sure what to expect. But, as I stood there my mind and heart going a mile a minute, God reminded me that there was no difference whatsoever between those women and me. Just a sinner saved by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus Christ, God's own Son. In God's economy, as He looked down on us, all praising Him together He did not see a difference. He saw His creation worshiping together.

The message was so clear. We all our sinners. We all have fallen short of the glory of God. But, through our acceptance and belief in the life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ, we are saved. And we will spend an eternity together. No matter what are past looks like. We have the common bond of the blood of Christ.

It really was so amazing to worship together through the universal language of music. After the concert, so many of them thanked us for coming. And we had the opportunity to pray with them. I was grateful to have been given the privilege with such an wonderful group of people . . . 

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