Friday, December 9, 2011

I Love My Kids This Much

One of the greatest joys I have in being Nature Girl's mom, is watching her do ballet. She is beautiful and lovely and graceful and so, well, just perfect. It has brought tears to my eyes since the very first time I saw her dance when she was just three years old. Oh so many years ago. I still get that same feeling. It truly is a gift to me.

One of the greatest joys I have in being Little Mama's mama, is that I get to watch her, day in and day out, express her concern and love and caring for others. Everyone from the homeless, who she made food bags for yesterday, to her very favorite baby sister. She will truly make someone a wonderful wife and mother.

One of the greatest joys I have in being Boop's mom, is watching him gladly serve others. He is always ready to help with a humble heart. He got his hair cut today and he looks SO DARN ADORABLE!

One of the greatest joys I have in being EG's mom, is, well, just being her mom. She is the spunkiest, happiest, stubbornest, silliest, smartest baby girl I have ever seen. So, so thankful she is ours . . .

1 comment:

MollyMcFarland said...

Love this so much. They are such sweet babies.