Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Puppy

Our puppy fits right in.  He is as crazy and energetic as the rest of them.

He loves being outside.
He loves daddy's garden.
He loves to chew.
He loves to dig.
He likes to bark.
He is jealous when someone other than him is in my lap.
He is jealous when I read or get on the computer.
He allows EG to pull him, hug (choke) him, pester him beyond belief.
He, for the most part, sleeps on his blanket on the couch.
He has had worms, mange and allergies.
If I tell the kids "get in the car" he runs for his cage.
He loves treats and to go for walks.
He has figured out how to get on the trampoline and loves it.
He has figured out how to get up to the "tree house" and he slides down the slide.
He is a good watch dog.
He has a large bladder.
He is a good traveler.
He loves flip flops and full roles of toilet paper.
He ears stick straight out sometimes and he looks like a bat.
Once he jumped up on the dining room chair and made it to the table.
If anyone is in the kitchen cooking, he is right there to help clean up.
He sits under EG's chair at the dinner table, for obvious reasons.
NG has been caught feeding him under the table.
He camps well.
Considering he is only 16 pounds he has very strong hind legs.
It is so fun to watch him dash after the squirrels in the backyard.

Yup, fits right in . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

Cute, cute puppy!!!