Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Nugget of Wisdom

A couple of days ago, I was talking with a friend about something.  Honestly I don't remember what the subject was but it concerned making some type of decision.  My friend and her family are pretty avid bicycle riders and she gave me the following analogy she had shared with her children about decision making.

As she and her kids were riding bikes through the neighborhood one day, she pointed out a dead squirrel in the road.  Then she proceeded to tell them that that dead squirrel was a squirrel that could not make any type of a decision.

When she told me that story, it was priceless to me.  How often do I see dead squirrels in the road?  How often, while driving through my neighborhood, do I see a squirrel run out into the road, turn, hesitate and then pick a side and run to it?  Or, as is the case of the dead squirrel, just sit there? (For the record, I slow down and wait for the squirrel to move.)

I know it happens quite a bit in our neighborhood.  Some squirrels make it.  Some don't.  All based on decision making skills.

Much of the time we just have seek advice, pray and make a decision and roll with it.  But, not making any type of decision at all can be costly.  For me, I then tend to fret about it, worry about it and second guess myself.  And, by avoiding making any decision at all, it is hard to move forward in life.

When she told me that story, I felt like I was that much wiser.  It gave me just a little more confidence in my decision making skills.  I know I don't want to be a dead squirrel . . .

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