Sunday, August 11, 2013

Perspective of a 4 Year Old

Daddy took EG on some errands yesterday.  As they were going into a store they ran into someone who hubby use to work with.  When they were done talking, EG asked her daddy how he knew him.  Hubby said they use to work together.

EG:  "Why doesn't he work anymore?"
Daddy:  "He is retired."
EG:  "What does retired mean?"
Daddy:  "He doesn't work at the Department anymore."
EG:  "He has caught all his bad guys?"
Daddy:  "Yes, something like that."
EG:  "How many bad guys have you put in jail?  21?"
Daddy:  "At least that many."

So, later on last night when hubby and I were discussing the conversation, he said she made it sound like it was a game.  That each deputy had a certain amount of criminals they had to catch before they could "end the game" and be able to retire.

We both had a good laugh.  Maybe hubby is closer to retirement then we think depending how many of his criminals he has left to catch . . .

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