Friday, August 17, 2012

Additional Student

One of my little worries when Grandma came to recoup with us was the possibility of not getting our much needed school work done.  I had planned, numerous times over the summer, to officially start school way before traditional school.

Even though we were somewhat effective in doing just that, it really wasn't with the consistency that I had hoped for.  And that made me just a little bit concerned.  But, as I am learning (and just mentioned to a Meals on Wheels client the other day), in our home life is school.  And that is becoming more and more true.  My school day is going to look a little bit different than what I originally had thought.  At least for the next few weeks.

This week we were able to start back with a little consistency.  At least more consistency than in the prior weeks.  One of the coolest things, though, is that I have an extra pupil.  My mom is loving to "learn" right along with the kids!

Sometimes she is the recliner and listening to the stories I read the kids.  Sometimes we go into her room and read Science and our book club book.  Right now she is tucked away in her bed reading our Anatomy book all by herself.  And just this morning she had out our flying birds of the 5th day and was doing an experiment with LM.

She has a favorite book about John and Abigail Adams and when I told her I only read that book about once a week she was bummed.  But then she said "I guess I could read it on my own."  We were taking about early church history yesterday and I have offered her a book that we are reading on early church martyrs.

She is an extra hand with math so that is nice.  And she encourages the kids to sit still and pay attention.  (That is nice as well!)  She also lets them know how great they have it by being educated at home.

There is always something for me to do and I have been pretty busy with trying to do school, manage the house and take care of my mom.  But, one of the blessings is having another very interested and willing to learn student. . .


MollyMcFarland said...

Very nice. :)

Diane Moody said...

Who knew your new "assistant" would be so helpful?! I've been praying for you guys and I'm thrilled to hear things are going so well. I love that Carol is soaking up all the studies. And if you need a note to excuse her from class next Thursday, let me know. :D Love you all!