Saturday, August 25, 2012

Grandma's Surgery

So, Grandma had surgery yesterday.  And everything went pretty well all things considered.  She is taking it easy today and should be even better by tomorrow.

The kids were with me the entire time.  And now I am going to take a minute to brag on them.

It worked out that we could actually fit Grandma in the back of my van if we took out a seat and the three bigger kids sat in the way back seat.  (We had practiced on Monday taking Grandma to Hobby Lobby.)

So, on Wednesday we took Grandma to her pre-op appointment.  The kids all had either a book or flashcards or a math sheet.  Something to do while we waited.  All the nurses said how cute and how well behaved they were.  One nurse asked if we homeschooled and I said yes.  She said she could tell.  I am not entirely sure what she meant but because I felt they were so well behaved I took it as a compliment. ;)

During the pre-op appointment they had a fire drill.  While the security guard was making his rounds, he kind of jokingly asked them if they shouldn't be in school.  We all just smiled and laughed. ;)

Then yesterday, surgery day, in the pouring rain, we all took Grandma to the surgery center and sat with her in pre-op for over an hour.  The nurses and the anesthesiologist came in.  The kids sat quietly while all the questions were asked and answered.  They stayed out of the way and didn't talk while the others were talking.

Sissy came to relieve us and we ran home to have lunch and clean up Grandma's room.  I wanted to go back to talk with the nurses and doctors after surgery and Little Mama wanted to be there when Grandma was done.  So, after all our chores were done at home, we went back to wait.  Again, the kids brought a few things to keep them entertained.  The waiting room nurse was very kind to them and they chatted with her for a little bit.

When Grandma made it to post-op and I needed to get instructions from the nurse, they all stood quietly while I talked.  Well, by that time I had to hold EG but she did so well.  Sissy took her for a little spin around the area so I could concentrate on what the nurse was saying.

Never once did I have to worry about what they were doing.  They had spent the better part of the last two days at the surgery center and they were awesome!  And I am glad they could be there for their Grandma.  I know that it made it just a little bit easier for her being surrounded by her grandkids. . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hope Grandma's having a good day today :)