Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Free Weekend

Free is not a word we use much in this house.  When the six of us go and do something it usually costs money, lots of money!  Actually, I am not sure if the word "free" is used by many people these days!

So, what a pleasant weekend we have had so far, when the two outings we have gone on, have both been FREE.  Really free.  No strings attached free!

Yesterday was Cow Appreciation Day.  And for those of you who do not live in the South you may not know what that is.  We have a fabulous fast food chain called Chick-Fil-A or Chick-o-lay as a certain 4 year old calls it.

Anyway, we love CFA.  When I had three children 5 and under and we had our first outing for dinner without daddy we went there.  They not only held the door open for us so we could get in, they brought me my food after I ordered it.  It is about the only fast food place we frequent on a fairly regular basis these days.  Customer service is beyond expectation.  We have even toured the kitchen and I still eat there!

Anyhooo, back to yesterday and Cow Appreciation Day.  Once a year, if you make an attempt to dress up, fully, like a cow, they will give you a free combo meal.  So, needless to say all six of us dressed up like cows from head to toe and went in and got our free dinners.  Along with a whole herd of "cows" already in the restaurant.  It was all free.  No charge.  The bill was $0.  Did I mention they are closed on Sundays to give families the chance to worship/go to church/rest if they so desire?  I love CFA.

I do not have a picture because as much fun as it was for us to dress up, no one would let me solidify the event in our history books with an actual picture of it.   We were cute if I do say so myself!  Especially hubby with his black BDU pants and white Glock gun t-shirt on.  Black spots, an "Eat mor chikin" sign and a hat that had cows ears.  Hmmm . . . wonder why he wouldn't let me take his picture?

Then, this morning, daddy and the big kids went to a local shooting range that encourages kids to learn how to shoot and then maybe some day compete.  And that was FREE.  I think they were there for close to two hours and both girls and Boop got to participate.  They had a great time and did really well.  And hubby said it was really well organized.  It was very safe so maybe EG and I will go next time, just to watch.

All the kids scored really well and picked up the skill quickly.  Nature Girl even got perfect scores.  Some one asked her if she was working on going to the Olympics!  Of course, all the kids shooting well and learning about something daddy enjoys made him pretty proud I think.

Not bad of a weekend so far.  Who said there isn't any such thing as a free lunch?  Or dinner?  Or shooting range experience?  It is kind of fun doing things that are free . . . .

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