Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Post Half Marathon Me

I would love to say that I have continued to run.  But that would be so far from the truth.  I think I have run three times.  I am kind of bummed that I have accomplished such a major event and now it has just kind of gone by the wayside.

Two things I have figured out are:  I am totally goal oriented.  I have no goal so therefor I have no motivation.  I did try to fit into my bridesmaid dress and it was kind of tight so I thought that would be a little bit of a motivator.  And it was.  For about a day.

The other thing I figured out is that unless I have a goal for running, running gets pushed wwwaaaay down on the list of priorities for the day.  I can't justify running when there are meals and school and laundry and church and errands and the list goes on and on.

Yesterday, I finally made myself walk first thing in the morning.  I have a new, not so ambitious plan.  It looks something like this.  I am going to start out just walking a couple of times a week.  I want to build the habit of exercise back up.  I need to exercise.  Not to loose weight or to build muscle or anything like that.  I need to walk/run because I want to be healthy.  I want a good heart and good lungs and capable muscles.  Plus, I love the time I am alone.

I also have realized if I don't get it done first thing, it just won't happen.  So, we have been working on our morning routine.  I feel we have it down so that the minute the kids get up and start with their breakfast, I can go ahead and walk/run.  They have a buddy system now to check up on each other to make sure "stuff" gets done in my absence.  We use the heck out of the dry erase board.  Today was successful.

I walked for 30 minutes.  It was cool and sunny and smelled of spring.  I am hoping to repeat our success tomorrow . . .

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