Friday, April 15, 2011

Plan T

That means we have moved WAY past Plan B. That is the one thing I love about my life, the ability to change directions, plans, midstream. I can read something, hear something, see something I want to implement in our home. I can mold it to our needs, try it out, see if it works and it if doesn't, I can try something else.

Life is ever changing. Nothing stays the same for very long. One of the hardest lessons I ever learned as a mom! Just because I would get three nights of sleep, by no means does that mean I am going to get a fourth.

I have learned to be "flexible." I put that in quotes because I am sure I am not anywhere near the real definition "flexible" but I am for me. Also, I have learned to cut myself some slack. Just because some great program, schedule, book or idea works for one great family I admire, doesn't mean it is going to work for us. Just because some parenting guru has an idea of how life is suppose to be for them doesn't mean it is going to work for us.

So, all that to say is, I have changed my morning routine. For the last few weeks I have been struggling big time to get up at 6 and get showered and have enough time for my quiet time before little guys wake up (although I am not sure Boop would be considered a little guy anymore!). The alarm would go off and I would roll back over, rest for another 15/20 minutes and then get up in enough time to have some type of quiet time and then I would have to wake the big kids. Which meant, if I wanted to get a shower I would have to do it while they were eating and getting ready for school.

It was an OK plan but then the bed wasn't getting made and the clothes weren't getting in the washer until snack time. And then I didn't really have time in the morning to do some little stuff like organize school things or write for my blog or put clothes away. I just seemed to not really get ahead or even stay caught up. Nothing major just a general sense of not enough time in the day.

Then I would stay up a little later at night because I enjoy the peace and quiet, but, I can't do anything at night. I am just not a night person. So, I would waste about an hour, every night.

So, yesterday it hit me. I don't mind getting up to do my quiet time, read my Bible and pray. But, I do mind getting up to take a shower. But, if I did my quiet time at 6 and my shower after, there is usually some little person up by then. Harder to take a shower. EG wants to take a shower with me or play in the sink or get in the cabinets or unfold all the folded clothes, etc., etc., etc.

So last night I asked hubby to wake me when he left for work this morning at 5:30. He chuckled and said "sure." So this morning he woke me at 5:25 as he was headed out the door. The coffee was already made and so I laid there for a few minutes and got up. I immediate spent time in prayer, read my Bible and THEN took a shower.

By 7 I was done with all of that and have had about a half hour to spare, before everyone gets up. I have had time to write a blog post, get a list of books ready for a friend, answer email, organize our school day, make the bed, get laundry ready, blah, blah, blah.

Now, I have NO IDEA how long this will last. I don't know what I am going to feel like tonight. I have no idea what I am going to do on hubby's days off. All I know is it worked this morning! Maybe on Monday I will post Plan T, part two . . .

1 comment:

Diane Moody said...

I LOVE those "A-ha!" moments when something new inspires and invigorates us! I'm going to pray this sticks with you because it sounds like "Plan T" was made just for you! Atta girl!!!!