Thursday, September 15, 2011


Work in Progress: Salt Map of Egypt

One of my goals for the last two years has been to find a curriculum that teaches World History and Biblical History together. Instead of two separate subjects. I have asked questions, I have reviewed books, I have gotten advice. But, nothing floated my boat. It was never exactly what I was looking for. (Mostly because I was never really sure what I was looking for.)

Then some how I stumbled on a Bible/History/Geography curriculum from Simply Charlotte Mason. The guide is called Genesis through Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt. It is a family study handbook that incorporates chapters in the bible and living books that flesh out biblical and corresponding world history.

It recommends some really great, age appropriate, living books and great hands on activities to help visualize the time and place in history. We are four weeks into the study and I am really, really pleased with what the kids are learning (and myself.)

For the moment, it is just what I am looking for . . .

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