Monday, September 12, 2011

Ice Cream Social

About 2 months ago, I got a wild hair to have an Ice Cream Social with all of our cul-de-sac neighbors. (Well, not so much a wild hair, I stole the idea from a friend.) Anyway, I did up, what I thought to be some really cute invites and went about knocking on neighbors doors to invite them.

We also included our LifeGroup from church and a handful of neighbors we have known for a long time. We bought tons of ice cream (way too much), some sprinkles and whipped cream (which we forgot to put out), bananas and nuts for sundaes and cups and root beer and coke for floats.

We gathered in our living room, with some of the kids outside, and just had a really nice time either getting to know each other or getting to know each other better. It didn't turn out exactly how I thought it would (nothing ever does) but there was still a big bunch of people here and it was a great way to bring in fall and celebrate the start of a brand new school year.

I didn't take any pictures because, honestly, I forgot. I guess I was too busy chit chatting away. But, the picture of EG, after the get together, about sums it up . . .