Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Love Boop This Much

His birthday is Thursday. It is so hard for me to believe that he will be six. My baby boy is going to be six.

At night when I tuck him in, he covers his face so I cannot give him a good night kiss. But, I persist and always win. He acts all offended and then tells me to try again! But I can tell, on his face, that he deep down in his heart, wants me to tuck him and kiss him good night.

He is my early riser. He is usually up way before seven. He joins me on the couch for quiet time and will usually go back to sleep until I am out of the shower. Because he is the only one up we take advantage of our time together. He looks forward to us doing his quiet time and then immediately after, he wants to have a reading lesson. Then if time permits we read a fun book together. He is usually done with school by 7:30AM. And he loves that! (I wish all of my students were so motivated!)

Grandma is coming tonight and will take him out for lunch tomorrow. He will go to soccer with daddy on Thursday and hopefully get a haircut. School will be closed for the day in honor of his birth. We will have a family birthday party on Thursday night and Boop's best friend will be there. (And will get to spend the night.)

I am so excited to celebrate his birthday. I hope he has a wonderful day . . .


Katie said...

Aw, man, 6 already?! He seems like such a wonderful boy, I hope his birthday is great!

MollyMcFarland said...

Can't wait to celebrate!