Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday EG!!

She is officially 3! Where has the time gone! It seems like just yesterday hubby and I were in the delivery room with a baby ready to be born and no midwife or nurse! Thankfully a nurse showed up before hubby had to put on rubber gloves! And the midwife showed up right after that!

A remarkable story we will never forget. A remarkable daughter that I know touches all of our hearts in a very special way!

Many more details to come about her fabulous Pretty in Pink and Sweets for the Sweet birthday party put on by my sister's new company m&m event design. Every little girl, at some point in their little life, should have such a wonderful celebration of birth . . .


MollyMcFarland said...

Ahhhh I just want to eat her up!

Katie said...

Aww, she's so cute.... happy birthday EG!!