Thursday, September 13, 2012

Coveting My Days

This year we have been given a couple of amazing opportunities to learn a couple of new skills.  For free.  We were able to take advantage of one over the summer, learning some sign language.  It was something I have had in the back of my mind for awhile so when a friend organized a little group to learn, I was all for it.

I thought it was just a summer deal.  Then I realized that the opportunity would go on at least through the fall portion of the school year.  On a day we typically stay home.  As I tried to decide what to do, take advantage of a fabulous opportunity or covet the two days a week we don't usually schedule anything outside of the house, my practical side won out.

It is so darn easy, especially when really amazing opportunities come up, to over schedule myself.  And as I have alluded to before, I am not good at that.  Ultimately my family and I pay a price.

I love being at home.  I love to have dinner ready at a reasonable hour.  I love the opportunities that being at home create.  The kids play together, sometimes.  The girls do cross stitch or swing or draw or read or write or a number of other things to occupy their time.  The little guys run around together, listen to music, create, play games.

I like the time to bake and plan and catch up.  Even though we were busy over the summer, we were able to do a few of those things and I don't want to give those things up.  For us, for me, it is what makes our house a home.  It is hard to say no, especially when the opportunities are fabulous.

But, I covet my days at home.  I need to try to protect them.  We need to have a little cushion and flexibility.  I have to think about what is coming up in the future (travel, basketball, etc.) and I am not very willing to give my days up.  My plan for today is to see how the fall goes and then go from there . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm with you! I love all the same things you do, and it can be so hard to protect that. Things are crazy, schedule-wise, around here right now and I'm so looking forward to things slowing down a bit (February?).