Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

It is a low key event around here. But, there are a few things worth mentioning, I think. Little Mama has spent the whole week thinking of gifts and making cards. Nature Girl did hers last night about 9PM.

We don't do much as far as candy and stuff but we do use it as an opportunity to get a little something worth while for the kids. This year it is a t-ball stand for Boop, considering he will be starting t-ball in the spring. EG got Play-Do, which was banned in the house for the middle two children. NG and LM got a really nice bird feeder to put outside their window so they could continue with their bird watching.

As for hubby and I, we went out to a steak dinner on Friday. But, other than that, we agree not to exchange gifts or anything. I don't think either of us need a specific holiday to share how we feel about each other. It is crazy, we have known each other for almost 20 years.

The kids thought it was like a real holiday where other kids don't go to school and we don't get mail. I thought that was funny. It took us almost the whole day to convince them that people had to work. Mail would come. And, more importantly, that other kids were in school. I think they were so hoping we would take the day off!!

Anyway, happy belated Valentine's Day . . .

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