Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pre-planning Planning

I am sure I have posted about this already this spring, but I am starting to look at books for the fall. Well, it might be books for late spring/early summer/late summer/early fall, depending on when we stop/start school. Anyway, I am having such a hard time thinking about what I want to read/have the kids read. I only use three sources for recommendations of books (because otherwise I would be really overwhelmed), Ambleside, Higher Up and Further In and SimplyCharlotte Mason.

I have pulled the lists for year 2 and 4 (we are about a year behind.) In our defense, not that I feel I have to defend myself, but the books on these lists are great books, books that I am pretty sure are being read at higher levels in "regular school" anyway. So, I am not so much bothered by the years the books are assigned as I am by the fact that I may run out of years to teach school before all the fabulous books are read, by me and the kids!

I know one thing for certain, we are going to keep on reading Our Island Story (British History), This Country of Ours (American History) and I have a new teaching tool to help us learn World History along side of Bible History. Oh, and Trial and Triumph for Church History. (Each one of these books has about one section a week and we will do the Bible/World History everyday.)

I have decided we are going to do dinosaurs for science and then Jeannie Fulbright's Anatomy book. I got it in the mail the other day and it looks phenomenal. We are doing living book biographies for Book Club next year. This is all I know for certain. The rest is kind of up in the air because I can not decide on what books to get, because I want them all.

I think I am set through the rest of the Spring. And we will take about 2 months off for summer. But, I am going to a homeschool convention/conference at the end of May and, I have been told, there are tons of vendors, with all their books. Oh Boy!! So, when I drag myself away from my lounge chair, poolside (did I mention I am going with three other ladies, no kids and no husbands) I want to have a plan of what I need, so as not to buy what I want.

I have to admit, I am excited about my trip for two reasons. Yes, the few days away is going to be great (haven't done that in years). But, the thought of being around all those books isn't a bad feeling either . . .

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

That convention sounds way cool! Any possibility it is going to be orlando?!! :)