Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get Out and Vote

I have not always taken my right to vote seriously. When I was young, I really didn't care. I hate to admit it, but it is true.

Now, maybe it is because I am older. Or maybe because I have kids and I am concerned about their future. Or maybe because I am absolutely, positively disgusted with how this country is run. I have now taken an interest in politics.

I am not really a Republican, because I don't think they are getting the job done either. I guess I am a Tea Party kind of gal. I believe in the Constitution wholeheartedly. I believe in small government. I don't think someone in Washington or my hometown has the authority to tell me what to do with my children. And, I guess that is where it all started.

Anyway, no matter what your beliefs are, or what type of government you believe in, it is absolutely positively your right and responsibility to vote. So, I encourage you to go do so . . .


MollyMcFarland said...

Molly likes this. (get it? like fb)

Ann said...

I got it.