Friday, July 15, 2011

All My Girls

We are transitioning EG from a crib to a big bed. She has been taking her "naps" in the twin bed. So, last night on the way home from our outings EG asks "Can I sleep in the twin bed tonight?" My response "I don't know. Let's call daddy and ask." I called, twice, no answer. It was getting close to bed time. She said "Call daddy again." I hate to bug him, but I did and he answered. He said "sure." So, she did and stayed in it all night. Of course, I had to visit her twice. But, she seemed really to like the twin bed!

Last night we went to a local old fashion ice cream parlor with Sissy. Part of the reason the kids like it is because they sell little puzzle erasers. (They really are cute.) The last time we were there, one of Little Mama's friends offered to buy her one because she didn't have any money. So, last night Little Mama bought that friend one to give her. Just because her friend was so kind to her. Little Mama is so thoughtful and caring and kind.

When we got home, Nature Girl asked me which eraser was my favorite. I told her I liked the elephant and the bus and the eggplant, the fish and a couple more. I told her they were actually little toys that I liked. I thought they were cute. A little while later she came out of her room and gave me her newest puzzle eraser. I knew she liked it so I graciously excepted it and said we could share.

It is little glimmers of the people they are growing into, that make this all worth while . . .

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