Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From Russia with Love

Or To Russian with Love. Whatever the James Bond movie is. Or is it James Bond? I digress, as always.

Anyway, Russia, that was our unofficial theme yesterday. (Funny how things "just happen.") We went to the library with our very overdue books (which were due back during our illness.) And, as my usual custom, I always randomly pick out a book or two that might be interesting to the kids. As I was perusing the Thanksgiving holiday books I noticed a series of books about different holidays or events from different countries. It was hard to pick just one country. Decision making can be hard for me sometimes. Especially when it comes to books. I want them ALL, NOW.

Anyway, as I was taking a book away from EG (because she was chewing on it) I noticed a big book full of Russian fairy tales. We love fairy tales and are currently reading from the Blue Book and I just purchased a book full of Celtic fairy tales (to go along with the Celtic Christmas CD I just bought.) I digress again. Anyway, the kids had just spent quite a lot of time this weekend with our friends' kids (neighbors too) that are from Russia. So, that sealed the deal. A book of Russian fairy tales and a book of Russian holidays and events.

Now this is the cool part. When we got home from the library and the grocery store I got a call from my friend/neighbor asking me if I would be willing to watch her 3 boys for the night so she and her hubby could get some things done. I was delighted. These were the 3 boys from Russia!

We first met the the boys when I was pregnant with Boop. They were in the country for a home visit. They actually had gone to another family first but switched houses when the families figured out they would be a better fit for our friends/neighbors.

It was almost three years before the adoption went through and the three boys came to live in the U.S. That was the fall/winter before I was pregnant with EG so about 2 years ago I guess. Anyway, we have the boys over whenever we can. Usually Sunday afternoons. The family has two other children from a previous marriage so sometimes all 5 of them come down to play. My kids have known the other two all of their lives.

Anyway, it is interesting to hear the boys talk. And over the course of a couple of years we have learned some Russian. It has been great to see how quickly they have adapted to our country. Their mom told me last night that all the boys have gotten majority of A's where as last year they struggled.

I just thought it was cool that my choice of books and house guests just happen to be all from the same country . . .

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