Monday, November 23, 2009

Sleeping Alone

Not! I thought it would be fun to have each of my babies sleep with me while daddy was away. They thought it was a great idea! It is funny how each child has his/her own way to sleep. What they need, what they do, how they sleep. I would never have even considered it had we not had a king size bed. I am such a light sleeper that every turn, every cough, sniffle, shift, literally wakes me up so having that extra space in between came in handy ;)

Boop was the first. He brought 4 blankets, two pillow, three stuffed animals (one of which is as big as he is) and his lovey Lion. He crawled into my bed and I told him he must stay there, he can't run in and out of the room or run around in my room. I heard him "reading" and playing and then I heard nothing. He fell asleep mid activity. He is a good sleeper, doesn't move around much. Or snore. I tried to cover him up but he just kept coming uncovered. My alarm went off at 6, I took a shower and he never moved.

Little Mama was next. She brought three blankets, two pillows and two small stuffed animals. She stayed in Nature Girl's bed until it was time to go to sleep. She crawled into my bed and just sat there watching the TV through the doorway. I told her I would be in a little bit and she finally she fell asleep. She doesn't like, necessarily, being by herself. Next time I will go in early just to lay with her while she falls asleep. When she sleeps she always looks like she has just fallen from an eight story building, all sprawled out with her purple lovey blanket over her mouth. She wakes in the middle of the night just to see what time it is. She was bothered by the fact that daddy's clock is set really fast. I told her just to peek over me and she could see my clock that has the real time. She was up when my alarm went off. She just laid in my bed until it was time for her to get up. She slept great and I know she just loved being in the bed with me.

Nature Girl was last. She brought one blanket, two pillows, books and magazines and more stuffed animals then I can count! One of which is a big white tiger and of course her lovey puppy. She LOVES being in our bed. She just laid there and read. I never heard from her. I think she felt like she was on vacation. She is the one that really appreciates being alone at times. It was about 10:30 when I went to bed. She was still awake and wanted to talk. So we chatted for about 10 minutes. I promised her that in a couple of days when it was her turn again I would come to bed REAL early so she and I could just talk. She is my snorer. And boy she can snore! Thankfully each time it happened it was just for a couple of minutes. Either she stopped or I just went back to sleep. She is also my night owl so when my alarm went off at 6 I knew even if she did wake up she would not want to get up ;) Thankfully it was Saturday so she could sleep in. In fact, about 8:00 the next morning she poked her head out of the door and I asked if she was getting up. She said no and crawled back into my bed. She just loves being warm, comfy and cozy.

Because of the number of days daddy will be gone, each child will get to sleep with me again. They love it and honestly so do I. It is great to get a little alone time with each one. Even if it is with them sleeping . . .


Diane Moody said...

You are such a hoot. I love this idea! And I bet the kids absolutely ADORE it! How funny, all the stuff they bring to bed with them. Annie, have I told you lately what a FABULOUS mother you are?!!

Katie said...

I love sleeping with my kids too, it usually happens on vacation, but once in a while I let one sneak in while Daddy's gone.
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do it 6 days in a row though... you go girl!

Ann said...

Ms. Diane - You never fail to compliment me and encourage me ;) For that I am so grateful. Honestly, though, I fall sooooo short in caring for these children that God has blessed me with. So, so grateful for God's grace and forgiveness!!!! (And that no mistake I make isn't too great for God to fix - ha, ha.)