Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garage Sale

Back in April our subdivision had its annual garage sale. In the past we have participated a time or two. Now, we just walk around looking for tools for daddy.

This year, the girls got wind of it and wanted to sell some stuff. I told them that whatever they wanted to do they could do, but they were on their own. I was not going to help, at all. Not that I wanted to discourage them, but I just didn't want to add anything to my ever growing to-do list.

So, the night before, the girls got out a bunch of stuff they wanted to sell. Then, they priced it. And put it in neat little stacks in their room. The next morning, at the crack of dawn, they got out a table and merchandised their wares. They talked Grandma into minding the store while we took a look around the neighborhood. By the time we got back, the girls (Grandma) had already sold a couple coins worth of stuff!

The girls spent the rest of the morning chatting with buyers and enjoying the spring day. I would go out and check on them occasionally. I encouraged them to chat with the people that stopped by. At one point, I think Boop even brought one or two things out to sell.

I don't remember exactly how much they made. But, I do remember being shocked at how much they sold! And, I did not do a thing. I was pretty proud of my little entrepreneurs . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love this!
So impressed with your girls' follow through. I hope they made lots of $$ :)