Friday, June 25, 2010

The Missing Link

has been with us for about a week now. It is my nephew, whom the kids absolutely adore! He came to visit us for a little and will be on his way tomorrow morning.

We call him the missing link because we have a dining room table that seats six and when we would pray around the table, holding hands at dinnertime, there was always an open spot. When my nephew came to stay with us last summer Boop proudly proclaimed "No more missing link!"

We have enjoyed him being around. He is such a big help to me. I can go to the grocery store with just one kid. He even gave a bath to the little ones the other night when I was on an important phone call. He plays catch and basketball with Boop and Apples to Apples with all the kids. He is always wrestling, tickling, entertaining them. At times I tell the kids to just give him a break. His response, with a smile, is always "it's OK" or "they're fine".

He has cleaned the porch, helped with organizing storage and a few other odd jobs. He has gone to tumbling and the VBS Parent's Night. It has given hubby someone to talk to about fishing, cars, sports and all sorts of other guy stuff. I know the kids will miss him. I think we will too . . .


MollyMcFarland said...


Diane Moody said...

Does he rent out??? :D Everyone needs a missing link like that!